
PhD Conference Hackathon

Presenter: Prof. Emanuele Trucco, FRSA FIAPR, NRP Chair of Computational Vision (University of Dundee);
Organisers: Kyle Martin (Robert Gordon University); Simone Barlocco (University of Strathclyde);
RDF Domain: A3 - Creativity; B3 - Professional and career development; C3 - Finance, funding and resources; D1 - Working with others;

Lecture slides will become available here


The PhD Conference Hackathon offers a unique opportunity for research students to learn the skills required to submit well-structured grant applications to funding bodies. The goal of the Hackathon is to help research students develop these skills and encourage cross-theme and cross-institution collaboration.

Session Outline

  • Part 1 (90 minutes, including Q&A): Presentation on how to write good grant proposals. Students will be split into groups according to their research topics. Each group will work construct a short research proposal with the goal of proposing a novel research project (students are welcome to work after the end of this section of the workshop, if they wish).
  • Part 2 (90 minutes): Oral presentation of the short proposals according to specified criteria provided by Prof. Trucco. Feedback will be provided both by the speaker and by the other students.

Learning Outcomes

  • LO1: Learning guidelines for preparing well-planned, convincing grant applications.
  • LO2: Learning the key criteria for success for different types of funding bodies.
  • LO3: Learning about how assessment panels work, mostly for SICSA-relevant funding bodies like EPSRC.
  • LO4: Suggestions how to make the best from each proposal according to the feedback provided in Part 2.
  • LO5: Students will write a two-page summary of an ideal grant to present to SICSA committee.

Additional Information

All students should bring their own laptop

Capacity: max 60 people (10 teams of four to six people)

Time allotment: 3 Hours (2 x 1H 30Mins sessions)